Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Time Out

A Moving Poem.

If time is passing, time has passed… Time is something we can’t get…
Time is flying, soaring, crawling…..
Time is a beetle with golden wings on a branch; a song in the sky; a sound on an attic, a shadow casting on a wall; a window with closed curtains… Someone said time doesn’t exist…That time is always now, never past or future…
I have no time, cause time is running. I am running out of time…
I’m losing it. Losing time… I’m leaving me…
I had some red and yellow time. I had some purple time. A sun – it was a star of time. Time is an agreement, a cloud in a sky, a sky around a cloud, a bird captured in a moment, a life… an explosion. Time is exterminating time…
Time is annihilating us and we are killing time…
If nothing would be in motion… If nothing moved…
Time’s up…..

Time out.

1 comment:

Myfanwy Collins said...

this is very cool!